Every app that doesn't only consist of one single UI needs some form of navigation - to enable users to move between different screens and to display information or react to events.

This week, let's take a look at a few different options for dealing with navigation in Swift apps, focusing on iOS this time.

When starting to work with tests, there's one problem in particular that almost every developer runs into - how to test asynchronous code. While we've touched on this subject before, this week, let's focus in on a few different techniques that can help make testing asynchronous code a lot easier.

Few Swift features cause as much heated debate as the use of custom operators. While some people find them really useful in order to reduce code verbosity, or to implement lightweight syntax extensions, others think that they should be avoided completely.

This week, let's take a look at a few situations that custom operators could be used in, and some of the pros & cons of using them.

Composition is a super useful technique that lets us share code between multiple types in a more decoupled fashion. It's often posed as an alternative to subclassing, with phrases like "Composition over inheritance" - which is the idea of composing functionality from multiple individual pieces, rather than relying on an inheritance tree.

This week, let's take a look at a few situations in which composition can be used with structs, classes and enums in Swift.

Almost every Swift program uses collections in one way or another. Whether it's to store values to be displayed in some form of list, to keep track of observers, or caching data - collections are everywhere.

This week, let's take a look at some of the standard library APIs that lets us easily transform collections in a very functional way.

Mocking is a key technique when it comes to writing unit tests in pretty much any language. Whether we're testing networking code, code relying on hardware sensors like the accelerometer, or code using system APIs like location services - mocking can enable us to write tests a lot easier, and run them faster in a more predictable way.

This week, let's take a look at a few different situations and how mocking can be used - or avoided - to make our tests easier to write, read and run.

Languages that support first class functions enable you to use functions and methods just like any other object or value. You can pass them as arguments, save them in properties or return them from another function. In order words, the language treats functions as "first class citizens".

This week, let's take a look at a few different ways that first class functions can be used in Swift!

Separation of concerns is a core principle when it comes to designing architectures and systems that are easy to maintain. It's the idea that each object or type should only know enough about its surroundings to do its work, and no more.

However, even though it's a principle most programmers learn about early in their career, it's not always very easy to apply in practice. This week, let's take a look at how to more easily separate the concerns of various types in Swift using protocols.

In previous posts, we've taken a look at a few different ways to use dependency injection to achieve a more decoupled and testable architecture in Swift apps. So far, most of my posts and examples have used initializer-based dependency injection. However, just like with most programming techniques, there are multiple "flavors" of dependency injection - each with its own pros & cons. This week, let's take a look at three such flavors and how they can be used in Swift.

UI testing can be a really useful tool in order to assure that the key user interactions of your app work as expected. Maybe even more importantly though, it's a great way to add an extra level of protection against regressions as you are continuously changing and refactoring your code base.

This week, let's take a look at how to add UI tests to verify an app's analytics code, and how it can be a great way to quickly gain a broad UI testing coverage.

Gathering some form of analytics from your users is super important when continuously building, iterating on and improving a product. Learning how your users use your app in real life situations can sometimes be really surprising and take its development in new directions or act as inspiration for new features.

This week, let's take a look at how an analytics system can be architected and implemented, based on one of my favorite Swift features - enums!

Managing memory and avoiding leaks is a crucial part of building any kind of program. Thankfully Swift makes this relatively easy in most situations - thanks to Automatic Reference Counting (or ARC for short). However, there are still times when it can be quite easy to make a mistake that causes memory to be leaked.

This week, let's take a look at how we can set up unit tests to both help us identify memory leaks, and also make it easier to avoid common mistakes that could end up causing leaks in the future.

A very common problem when building apps for Apple's platforms is where to put common functionality that is used by many different view controllers. On one hand we want to avoid code duplication as much as possible, and on the other hand we want to have a nice separation of concerns to avoid the dreaded Massive View Controller.

Rather than using a BaseViewController or relying on inheritance in some other way, let's take a look at how we can structure common functionality as child view controllers that can be used as plugins.

While force unwrapping is an important Swift feature that would be hard to work without (especially when interacting with Objective-C APIs), it also circumvents some of the other features that make Swift so great.

However, dealing with optionals and unknown types in a safe way can require quite a lot of code, so the question is whether we want to do all that additional work when writing tests as well? That is what we'll take a look at this week - let's dive in!

Dependency injection is an essential tool when it comes to making code more testable. Instead of having objects either create their own dependencies or access them as singletons, it's the idea that everything an object needs in order to do its work should be passed in from the outside.

This week, let's take a look at a dependency injection technique that lets us enable testability without forcing us to write massive initializers or complicated dependency management code.

Handling asynchronous code in a way that is predictable, readable and easy to debug can be really challenging. It's also something that is very common, almost all modern codebases have parts that are highly asynchronous - whether that's loading data over the network, processing big datasets locally or any other computationally intensive operations.

This week, let's take a look at a technique that can make managing asynchronous calls a bit simpler and less error prone - using tokens.

Ever since blocks were introduced into Objective-C as part of iOS 4 they have been an important part of most modern APIs for Apple's platforms. The convention of using blocks also carried over to Swift with closures, which is a language feature that most of us use every single day.

But even though closures are very widely used, there's a lot of behaviors and caveats to keep in mind when using them. This week, let's take a closer look at closures, how capturing works and some techniques that can make handling them easier.

We all use open source code every day. Whether it’s by directly pulling in a framework in one of our apps, or indirectly in almost all of the apps, tools and utilities that we all use to get our work done as developers. So open source is incredibly important for our industry, and it's big reason why I love the Swift community so much.

This week I thought I’d try to sum up most of my tips & tricks on how to publish a new Swift open source project.

"I know singletons are bad, but...", is something that developers often say when discussing code. There seems to almost be a consensus in the community that singletons are "bad", but at the same time both Apple and third party Swift developers keep using them both internally within apps and in shared frameworks.

This week, let's take a look at exactly what the problems are with using singletons and explore some techniques that can be used to avoid them.