Chris Eidhof, founder of and co-host of Swift Talk, joins John to talk about app architecture, functional programming, the "rockstar developer culture", picking database solutions and much more!
Chris Eidhof, founder of and co-host of Swift Talk, joins John to talk about app architecture, functional programming, the "rockstar developer culture", picking database solutions and much more!
Tobias Due Munk, creator of Slør, Nataliya Patsovska from iZettle and Patrick Balestra, co-organizer of the Swift Alps & AppBuilders conferences, join John on this special holiday episode of the show! Personal stories about learning new technologies, staying motivated, profound career moments, conferences, wishes for Xcode Santa and much more.
Orta Therox from Artsy joins John to talk about building developer tools, working on and maintaining open source projects, React Native, balancing coding time with personal time and much more.
Matthias Tretter of MindNode joins John to talk about Auto Layout, working on the iPad, refactoring Massive View Controllers, dealing with old code and much more.
Mike Ash joins John to talk about reference counting, learning new APIs, Swift tooling vs new language features, what if Swift would've been Objective-C 3.0 and much more.
Soroush Khanlou joins John to talk about blogging, MVVM and other iOS architecture patterns, unit testing, new features in iOS 11 & Xcode 9 and much more.
Paul Hudson of Hacking with Swift joins John to talk about learning & teaching Swift, Storyboards vs XIBs vs code, game development, Swift on the server and much more.
Marin Todorov and Florent Pillet, two of the four authors of Ray Wenderlich's RxSwift book, join John to talk about Rx, reactive programming, debugging, learning new technologies and much more.
Gui Rambo joins John to talk about reverse engineering, finding product details in leaked Apple firmware & SDKs, getting started with Mac development & open source, and much more.
Agnes Vasarhelyi of Topology Eyewear joins John to talk about moving to San Francisco, AR, architecture, getting started with iOS development and much more.
Louis D'hauwe joins John to answer questions about architecture, UI design, compilers, creating a programming language and much more.
Ash Furrow from Artsy joins John to answer questions about being inspired by other languages, asynchronous programming, doing test driven development and much more.
Anastasiia Voitova & Marcin Krzyzanowski join John to answer questions about security & encryption in Swift. Topics range from cryptography frameworks & algorithms to how to protect keys and user data and avoiding problems with SSL pinning.
Roy Marmelstein from Spotify joins John to answer questions about getting started with open source, expressive code, working in a large development team, using RxSwift at scale and more.
In this first episode of the Swift by Sundell podcast - John gives an introduction to the show's concept and answers the first set of questions.